References on international RFPs

For an industrial corporation, management of european tender in fixed and mobile telephony : tender documents, offers' analysis, benchmark, negotiation and contract review. For a multi-branches company, management of european tender in 15 countries to select the MPLS network provider, including connectivity and security services. Offers' analysis, negotitaion and T&Cs review. For several industrial corporations, assistance during the international RFP for mobile services, in 15 countri...

Areas of expertise

Our main activities are audit, architecture studies, assistance during RFPs, for public corporations and governmental organizations. We can assist you from the earlier stages of architecture and design to the implementation  of new services and providers, during real estate projects for the installation of complex devices, and contracts follow-up. We can conduct telecom tenders in Europe and in several other countries. UniDB, our in-house developed application, can handle all types of serv...